“Who has two thumbs and is a Hufflepuff? I’m a Hufflepuff.”

Poor Hufflepuffs, they can’t even tell a joke right…
Hi, everybody!
I realize that it has been an unfathomably long time since I last posted a…well… post, so I’m going to post one now! The only problem is that I have no idea what to post, as usual, so I’m just going to make everything up as I go.
Firstly, I’m taking up a new hobby (well, language really…). It’s French! 😀 Don’t let your minds get carried away though; I only know two verbs and their forms.
OHIDEA. So, since my last post was about movies and such, perhaps I should discuss my favourite actors and directors now!
I have a plethora of favourite actors, a handful of favourite actresses, and a few favourite directors, so hopefully this post doesn’t turn into a sleep-inducing list.
Let’s start off with Jack Black. Why Mr. Black? Because I’m watching School of Rock right now. He’s a favorite actor of mine, though his last few movies haven’t been that great (e.g. Gulliver’s Travels and… there was another one that I can’t seem to remember.) However, when he’s not in sell-out kids’ movies, he’s hilarious, not to mention the fact that he works in a quirky song in nearly all his movies to be funny- and the best part? He’s actually quite the capable singer when he’s not trying to imitate guitar solos!
Next up (these are in no particular order) is Tom Hanks! I lovelovelovelove him. He’s just such a good actor, and he seems like a genuinely nice person, not to mention that I’ve never seen him in anything that’s just flat-out trashy. (Then again, I haven’t seen many things that are down-right trashy.) I also just love his voice. It’s so… jolly and… thick. Plus, he has a great laugh. It’s just… I don’t know. I grew up with Toy Story, so hearing Sheriff Woody will always make me smile. (:
HOLE-Y FLABBERGAST! HOLES JUST CAME ON. I /LOVE/ this movie! It’s one of the few movie with Shia LaBeouf in it that I actually like! In fact, it may be the /only/ movie with Shia LaBeouf in it that I actually like… (In case you were wondering, I’ve never seen Transformers, and I have no desire to.)

I feel like this is going to be very dull to read.
You know what I love?
The following colors: Brown, light Pink, Lilac
Dill Pickle potato chips
Mountain Dew
Jim Gaffigan
Lemony Snicket
The Smell of Gasoline (Strange, I know)
Blue Gatorade
I apologize once again for the nastiness of this post.

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“Barbie, come live in my dreamhouse with me! I know we just met, but I feel like we were-” “-made for each other!”

Dearest readers whom I have for some unknown reason not been in contact with lately,
I actually have a vague idea for a post today!
What is it, you may ask? POP CULTURE! Well, specifically film, BUT ANYWAY.
I /adore/ movies and television. I mean, who doesn’t love a good movie or TV show? If you’re confused about what sort of films I consider “good,” then continue reading:
Here’s a one to ten scale, one being the worst and ten being excellent, with an example of a movie or tv show (or both) that I would give that rating. (I hope that makes sense)
1/10. I’ve only given one movie this rating in my life…. THE ADVENTURES OF SHARKBOY AND LAVA GIRL. I have spoken; your argument is invalid.

2/10. When in Rome. You know, the way-too-predictable romantic comedy with Kristen Bell and Joh Duhamel? Yeah, it was horrible. The humor and entirety of the movie was as ridiculous and just plain ignorant as Airplanes (though I do love that movie), but I don’t think they meant to be. I mean, seriously. There are plot wholes everywhere, unresolved questions, random events clearly added for the sake of being funny, which they were not, and loads more. On top of all that, it was a *romantic comedy. What more can I say?

3/10. Just Wright. It’s another romantic comedy that wasn’t very popular, though it’s only a year old. But anyway, the plot was completely predictable, surprisingly even more so than When in Rome. (This, however, gets a slightly higher rating because that was its only big error.) I already knew what was going to happen as soon as the movie started. If you haven’t seen it, let me warn you that this contains “spoilers,” not that you wouldn’t have already guessed the plot. Girl has trouble with boys. Girl meets new boy. Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. PLOT TWIST. Boy and Girl “shockingly” end up together once again. THEEND.

4/10. Gulliver’s Travels (the newer one.) I’m sorry, Jack Black; I’m a huge fan, but this was a huge disappointment. It was a stereotypical “kids’ movie.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m still a kid, but kids’ movies nowadays, with a special exception for Pixar and a select other few movies, are horrid. They, including Gulliver’s Travels, use overused, barely-even-funny-the-first-time, Disney Channel-esque jokes. Sometimes they thrown in some most-likely-not-funny crude humor to avoid the dreaded G-rating. This movie had one- maybe two- laughs, but besides that, I was pretty bummed.

5/10. I can’t think of a 5 star (out of ten) movie… Hm… Let’s go with a tv show: That’s So Raven. xD That was probably my favorite show back when it came on all the time. But anyway, most Disney shows are going to get a five out of ten. I mean, they’re usually entertaining, but once you turn eleven you start to see that they reuse plots and the jokes become bland.

6/10. I can’t think of a six! D: Let’s say Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I love Harry Potter, but this movie made me sad (-almost as sad as Goblet of Fire!) They cut tons of important stuff out of the books, as usual, but I guess you can’t just make the movie as long as you want. People get bored, producers get skeptical, etc.

7/10. Wall-E. Now, don’t hurt me! I just didn’t love that movie as much as Pixar’s other films! I’m not going to go into detail about that right now though, because I don’t feel like being martyred by readers of my blog. Anyway, I also gave Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian a 7. It was a pretty good movie, but I didn’t find it funny, and there were lots of plot holes- or unanswered questions and slim research at the least.

8/10. Rango, About a Boy, Night at the Museum, Up, Big. I could go on for a while. But anyway, there’s nothing bad, per se, about these movies, there are either just movies I like better, or they have unneccesarry language (Big, and About a Boy, though it’s slightly subverted because they use mostly British terms.)

9/10. Inception, School of Rock. These are EXCELLENT. Lovethemlovethemlovethem. Inception is great because it’s a totally new idea, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a brilliant actor. School of Rock is great because it’s HILARIOUS and, once again, a pretty original idea. (Plus those fourth graders can play music insanely well.) Now, Jack Black, /this/ is your usual par! Singing guitar solos, misleading children- that’s how you stick to the man! (Movie reference.)

10/10. These moves are TOTALLY SPECTACULAR: Forrest Gump, Toy Story (1, 2, 3), and, to add a tv show, Parenthood. Forrest Gump… It speaks for itself. Toy Story… I could not ask for a better plot, humor, cast, or ending. Beautiful. Whoa, two Tom Hanks movie. Interesting.

*: I was just throwing in a joke; not all romantic comedies are bad… Probably.

Hasta la Juego,

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“We reptiles have to stick together!” “I’m an amphibian.” “Ain’t no shame in that!”

I started a new page! 😀 Go to the top and click “Goals, etc.” or click here: https://individualizedopinion.wordpress.com/goals-etc/
It’s quite exciting! (For me, anyway.) I’m going to be posting things I hope to accomplish, hopefully one new goal every day. I’ll pick to post about a few different things:
Bucket List This is, well, a bucket list. I may list more serious things like, “I want to visit all seven modern wonders of the world,” which I do.
Life Goals Posts like this will be smaller than things on my bucket list (probably.) I may put something like, “I want to get a pet bulldog named Dumbledore,” which I do.
Hopes and Dreams Cheesy title, I know. BUT ANYWAY. These types of posts will be also more serious, but probably more unlikely, things that I want to do. They may be things like the ever-so-classic What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up, but they may be things like, “I want to get my photography published in a magazine or a museum or something of the like,” though I’ve got a terribly slim chance at that.

This should all make more sense once I get in the groove of posting them. I’ll post one of each today; you have my word.
– Miller.

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“I brought my attack-dog with a built in forcefield!” “Well, I brought my dinosaur, who eats forcefield dogs!”


Hello, my dearest readers! Might you remember a little hectic event back in November, which I commonly referred to as NaNoWriMo?

Well, get ready because the craziness is about to start ALL OVER.

Starting this April, I’ll be participating in Script Frenzy, an event similar to WriMo where you write a one-hundred page script (Screenplays, stage plays, radio show scripts, comics, and graphic novels, plus any other kind of script you can think of) from April 1st to April 30th. This is, coincidentally, right up my alley since I’m an amateur actress myself.

I’ll be writing a stage play, which I’m quite excited about, but you know what I’d really love? If Johnny Depp you would participate with me! Feel free to check out the website (scriptfrenzy.org) or email me at the.indie.duck@gmail.com if you have questions or would just like to chat during the challenge.

That’s all, folks!

– Miller.

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“For the first time in thirty years it’s occurring to me that Jiminy Cricket might not be a cockroach-” “-He’s a cricket, Shawn.”

Salutations, readers! I, of course, don’t have a topic in mind to blog about, so I’m just going to wing it like usual.
About a week ago, I learned something extraordinary: I. can. hula-hoop. O: Do you know how long I’ve tried to hula-hoop and failed? Fourteen years! But now I’ve received the gift from someone somewhere whom I now love. 😀
Aside from my hulaing and hooping, I haven’t really accomplished anything, so please enjoy this spontaneous short story:
“So what should we do know?” the awkward redhead asked as she zipped up her zebra-striped hoodie.
“I don’t know,” a short brunette replied, walking down the sidewalk as the rain sprinkled down. “Do you have an umbrella?” she asked, putting on the hood of her jacket.
“No, sorry. Let’s go bowling,” the redhead replied, fiddling with the lilac hair-bow in her hair.
“Bowling? Meh. I guess we could,” the brunette mumbled.
“Come on! Bowling’s fun!” the redhead shouted excitedly, beginning to skip.
“I guess. Wait, there’s not even a bowling alley at this mall!”
“Hey, Junie…look over there,” Beatrice said sneakily.
“Over where?” the redhead asked, turning to look across the street. “What is it?”
“It’s a…oppossum!”
“Beatrice!” Junie squealed. “That is not funny. Remember what happened last time you brought up opossums? You broke the fourth wall! And besides, there wouldn’t be a oppossum in a strip mall!”
“I know, I know,” Beatrice replied, trying to mask her giggles. “Sorry. Anyway, let’s get a smoothie!” She gestured towards a small purple and green building a little ways in front of them.
“I could go for a strawberry banana smoothie,” Junie grinned.
“When couldn’t you go for food?” Beatrice joked.
“Good point…but smoothies aren’t really foods. They’re just thick drinks…like hot chocolate.”
“But they’re made from fruits!”
“True,” Junie agreed. “So does that mean if you puree any sort of food, it doesn’t become a drink?”
“Yes?” Beatrice confusedly answered.
“Oh,” whispered Junie, feeling a little disappointed.
The End
Tune in next time to see if our heroes ever get their beloved smoothies!

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“I thought it would be the best time to tell y-” “-I took a grenade to the face, dude!”

Dearest readers,
Would you care to know a secret of mine?
I’m quite ashamed.
Of what, you ask? Of not posting.
I’ve been a lazy bum this year in my bloggnicality instead of being all motivated like some people. (That would be a shout out to you, Vixey.)
So what have you been up to this year? That’s cool, that’s cool.
I’ve been mostly busy with school, band, and bowling.
Okay, enough with the blabbering. I need a topic. BRRRRRAIN BLAST! *insert Jimmy-Neutron-Like brain blast sequence*
Ooh! I know! The Wiggles! 😀
Now, The Wiggles is an excellent and mature TV show about important things like fruit salad and big red cars (Fruit salad, yummy yummy!) Because The Wiggles has been on for twenty years, the original cast (Phillip, Anthony, Greg, Murray, and Jeff) has gotten old and grey. They probably have problems wiggling now, though there are other members of the show like Dorothy the Dinosaur, Henry the Octopus, and Captain Feathersword. Anyway, the members of the original cast are all Australian, which is pretty cool, but Phillip quit after one album and Jeff retired, so now the show is just depressing.
As a child, I learned many a valuable lesson from The Wiggles, such as how to make fruit salad and how to play Hot Potato.

For those about to Wiggle,
I salute you,

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“Gus, don’t be a gooey chocolate chip cookie.”

Okay, guys, I have no idea what to write here.
I don’t have a plan, but I hadn’t posted in a while, so here I am.
I’ll start with the basic ways to break the ice. So how was your Christmas? That’s good; mine was too. Any New Year’s resolutions? Oh, that’s interesting. I haven’t thought of any yet.
That’s not working, so it’s time to write a most likely lame short story. (By the way, spellcheck changed “time” to “pimento.”)

“Oh, no! It’s a opossum!” the gangly girl with dark red hair screeched, seeing something with a rat’s tail hanging from a tree.
“Come on,” the short brunette girl standing beside the tree started. “It’s just a oppossum. Man up. I bet the people reading this short story aren’t scared of oppossums?”
The redhead let out a shout of bloody murder. “Nooo! You just broke the forth wall! Stop it!”
“It’s okay, Junie,” the brunette insisted. “It’s not going to hurt us. I mea, we’re just characters in a short story meant to take up space on a dry, awkward teenage girl’s blog.”
“Stop iiiitt, Beatrice! This is making me uncomfortable!” Junie argued, adjusting the lilac hair bows in her stringy, disheveled hair.
“But not as uncomfortable as the oppossum,” Beatrice joked devilishly.
“Debatable,” Junie mumbled. “Anyway, I heard if you break the forth wall, a giant black hole will engulf the earth and swallow our very hearts and souls.”
Beatrice’s hazel eyes opened wide as she asked, “Really?”
“Nah, I’m just kidding,” Junie giggled.
Beatrice sighed. “I’m bored. Let’s pet the oppossum,” she suggested as she turned to realize the oppossum had woken up, probably due to Junie’s shouting, and was now playing dead on the ground.
“Let’s not,” Junie suggested with a smile.
“Okay,” Beatrice agreed, “but now I’m going to break the forth wall again because the gal who owns this blog doesn’t know how else to end this really lame short story, so bye, readers!”
The End.

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Burt the Omnomnomasaurus (who also terrorizes villages.)

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“If we have no milk, how are we supposed to eat cookies? See, is that the world you want to live in? A world without cookies? And oxygen.. No, because no one wants to live in a world without cookies.”

So I haven’t posted enough, most because I can’t think of anything to post about.

However, I have drawn a picture for you (Yes, you personally) which I will post on here later when I decided to stop being lazy and get off the couch and get my picture. Anyway, like my buddy, Vix, most of my posts wind up as me rambling and what not. It’s like a giant website of nasty amounts of pulpy-like Californian mud. You have to dig through the nasty concoction and pan so that you might find one little einsie-weinsie tidbit of intellectually stimulating gold nugget! (Cough, that was an allusion.)

Anyways, if you can’t tell, I’ve had a lot of American History going on at school, and I realized something. Designated nickname-givers of the Civil War era were unfair. Thomas Jackson got a super cool name: Stonewall Jackson. Dun dun-nuh naaa! And what does Ulysses S. Grant get? Unconditional Surrender Grant. Wow, that’s cool interesting unfair. Maybe it’s because his given name was already supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Ccchhh over!


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“I’m gonna destroy you! Your face is be so ugly when I’m done with your face because it’s kind of handsome right now but-“

I am having an excellent day.

Do you want to know why?

Excellent because I’m going to tell you.

First of all, I won NaNoWriMo! I successfully completed a fifty thousand (and seventy four) word novel! Woot woot!

Secondly, my cat (Tubward) and dog (Lily) are both asleep in my room right now instead of Tubward hissing at Lily because she jumped on my bed like this morning…

Anyway, I didn’t really think of a topic to blog about because I was mostly doing this as a spur of the moment thing because I haven’t posted since the fifteenth (a.k.a. the ides of November) because NaNoWriMo has taken up most of my time, but now I’m done so I should be posting a lot more!

This babbling post didn’t accomplish anything,


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